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DTN CATTLE PRICES/TRENDS               04/25 09:15

KANSAS     .    *182.00(BID)   .             *182.00(BID)    .
NEBRASKA   .     .             .              .              .
TEXAS      .     .             .              .              .
COLORADO   .     .             .              .              .
IOWA       .     .             .              .              .
                         *=PRIVATE SOURCES

DTN COMMENTS:  A few bids have been renewed in Kansas this morning,  
following yesterday's business in parts of the South at $182, fully 
steady with the prior week's weighted averages. Some asking prices in 
that area remain firm around $184-plus. Northern bids and asking prices 
are yet to be established, but packer inquiry there should improve as the 
day progresses. Beef cutouts are expected to be lower with light to 
moderate box movement.

NOTE: Feedlots are encouraged to call DTN with any cattle sales, at
1-402-461-3561. All sales will be listed anonymously and organized by 
state. All live sales are FOB and set for 1-9-day delivery. A weekly 
summary from this data will be posted on the Weekly Cattle Sales Reported 
to DTN page and will be left up for the entire week for reference 

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